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Category: Lifestyle

5 Reasons Yoga is Great for You and Your Magic, and How to Begin

5 Reasons Yoga is Great for You and Your Magic, and How to Begin

Maybe you’ve thought about trying yoga but haven’t worked up the nerve yet. There’s something very appealing about that calm strength that you see from other yogis. Imagine yourself serenely standing on your head on a beautiful tropical beach with a calm smile on your face. Sounds unbelievably great, right? But, you don’t need a beach or have to be able to stand on your head to get that same feeling— you just need a little yoga. So, here are…

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Tarot— Not Just for Fortune-Telling!

Tarot— Not Just for Fortune-Telling!

If you think of “fortune telling” when you hear the word, Tarot, then you’re in for a treat. Tarot is not just for fortune telling. It’s a powerful tool for meditation, personal growth and development, spiritual and magickal practice, and making sense of the here and now. Tarot for Meditation I think my spiritual practice really got serious when I was given my first Tarot deck, the Dragon Tarot, when I was twelve. The deck gave me a tool to…

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Travel Altars for Magick on the Go!

Travel Altars for Magick on the Go!

Why Travel Altars? Travel altars are great for more than just travel. They are compact, portable, and easily put away, so they are also great for the magickal practitioner who needs privacy or just doesn’t have a lot of space. Maybe you live with people who are uncomfortable with the idea of you being a witch/wizard/magician. Or, you don’t have much space to set up a permanent altar. Maybe you’re a traveler and your tools must fit in a suitcase…

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Help! I’m New to Magick, Where Do I Begin? Part II

Help! I’m New to Magick, Where Do I Begin? Part II

Preparing for Successful Magick: My first piece of advice to anyone wanting to learn to perform any kind of magick is, learn to meditate! “But that’s boring!” you may say. Well, suck it up. It will stop being boring when your spells work! 😛 Any magick requires a clear mind, clear intention, and directed emotion. If you can’t calm your mind, you won’t be able to focus it. Your thoughts will be scattered and your results will be weak, even…

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Help! I’m New to Magick, Where Do I Begin? Part I

Help! I’m New to Magick, Where Do I Begin? Part I

Magic and Magick? What’s the difference? Congratulations on deciding to bring a magickal practice into your life! There are a lot of ways to approach magick. Maybe you’re interested in Wicca, or witchcraft (not the same things!) or you’re drawn to the occult, or you just want to cast some spells to bring something into your life. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to try magick, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there, and some pitfalls. This is…

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Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day that Don’t Require Drinking

Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day that Don’t Require Drinking

The green beer. The tacky hats. The “I’m Not Drunk, I’m Irish!” shirts. You know these things. Most people in the U.S. celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by dressing in green, covering themselves in glitter (which I have no objection to— I love glitter!) speaking in horribad “Irish” accents, and getting drunk out of their minds. Do what you want and be safe (please be safe), but if that isn’t your style, then I have some other suggestions for how you…

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