Update: I am Home
I moved to Ireland!!!
I moved to Ireland!!!
This is a true story— three of them— of urban fairy trickery.
Hello! It’s been a minute… Here’s a quick note to fill you in on some stuff that’s happened. I wanted to come back and write several times over my prolonged break, but it felt forced. It’s not that I didn’t have anything to say, but it wasn’t the time to say it. I also had several things happen in my life that needed my attention more. I fell in love, and my time went to building my relationships. And I…
On my second trip to Ireland, I had three “initiation” experiences with the Sídhe. Two of them were in Donegal County. The third and last one was with The Morrígan at Uaimh na gCat cave. Each experience brought me closer to understanding who I am, and what my relationship with the Sídhe is about. Each one connected me with the Tuatha de Dannan, who I now know to be family. Since then, I’ve gone through deeper transformations and awakenings, which…
Salty Situation Every witch or magician knows that salt is a powerful substance for grounding and protection. Nothing feels more magical than sitting inside a circle of salt and candles and getting your witch on. Salt is the perfect a-salt weapon against negativity! (I’m not even a little bit sorry for that one 😛 ) As useful and awesome as salt is, there are plenty of times when pouring salt on the ground is just not… kosher. (Ahaha! Still not…
Why Travel Altars? Travel altars are great for more than just travel. They are compact, portable, and easily put away, so they are also great for the magickal practitioner who needs privacy or just doesn’t have a lot of space. Maybe you live with people who are uncomfortable with the idea of you being a witch/wizard/magician. Or, you don’t have much space to set up a permanent altar. Maybe you’re a traveler and your tools must fit in a suitcase…