Link Boutique

Link Boutique

*  Most of these are affiliate links! I have created this page so that all the things (mostly books) I’ve recommended are in one place. Clicking these links does not charge you, but if you end up buying something, Amazon gives me a few pennies. This helps the authors and helps me pay to keep this website running!


Folklore and Mythology

Witchcraft and Practice

Aos Sidhe

Divination, Runes, Ogham




Irish Pagan School Critical resource for Irish-specific culture, history, lore, and practice. Better than my Master’s Degree from Boston College.

Ogham Academy Courses and resources about Ogham

Raven’s Runes Authentic Irish-made bog oak and ogham pieces, custom orders and ogham sets.

Seo Helrune Elves and Witchcraft, Seidr and Grimoires

Living Liminally Reflections on the Déithe and an-déithe, living Paganism in a modern world, and devotion to the Daoine Maithe

Speaking Starlight A blog about my personal connections to and insight about the Fair Folk. Pure gnosis. No chaser.

7Serendipities is a blog, shop, and divination site. There is folklore, Irish paganism, tarot, and many other great things.



Feed the Fairies Podcast on Spotify

6 Degrees of John Keel Also a blog! 6 Degrees of John Keel deals with all kinds of paranormal stuff.

My Other Projects:

Blythe’s Reverie An alternative fashion/lifestyle blog. This blog has affiliate links and discounts.

Doom Fairy on TikTok. Doom Fairy was a character who took over. Because that’s what they do.

Doom Fairy on Instagram

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